
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Snow Painting

I enjoyed myself very much this evening. Landon called me and asked if I would like to do something. I was just finishing up a great work out and stretch and was feeling at the top of my game and couldn't have been more excited to go out and do something. He told me he was thinking "snow painting". I wasn't entirely sure what that entailed but it sounded good to me. We had climbed Ben Lomond in October and bought different color jello packets to paint the snow with in case we got stranded (he thinks of everything when it comes to those kind of things). Well, we never used them on our hike and he still had them sitting around so he decided he wanted to try it out. We went to a park by my house and tried all sorts of things to get the jello to show up in the We did, however plot out a successful "scavenger hunt" for someone to go on that, if they followed the arrows, would take them to a big smiley face that says "You Win!" It was great and afterward he even stuck around at the house and talked to me for a while. I consider this a success in our record book.

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